Tuesday, March 25, 2014


HOW TO FIND SERIAL KEYS FROM GOOGLE steps:-      1)  Go to google.com      2)  Write the name of the software you want key            and add 94FBR at the end Eg :-      If you want to find key of IDM then write "IDM 94FBR " (without quotes)      3)  Search it and you will find many sites with           serial...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Improve iPhone Battery Life For Maximum Performance

How To Calibrate iPhone And iPad Battery Life For Maximum Performance Step 1:       First and foremost, you will need to run your device’s battery down to zero. And by that, we mean that your device runs completely out of juice and powers down on its own. Step 2:       Next, you’ll need to charge your device’s battery all the way up to the 100% mark; the holy grail. Step 3:     ...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3 Tips To Vastly Improve Your QuickTime Viewing Experience

3 Cool Tips To Vastly Improve Your QuickTime Viewing Experience      While several Mac owners tend to use VLC for all our video watching needs, there are many users out there who just prefer Apple’s native QuickTime app, if only just because it integrates better with the rest of OS X.      However, being a native Apple app, we tend to think of QuickTime as being closed in nature and impossible to tweak or customize....

Monday, March 17, 2014

100 Endangered Sites in the World !

100 endangered sites in the world ! Too bad the system will fail 100 Websites of spreading dangerous viruses Internet security firm names Listed company launches Norton symantec. Check the names of the websites Nasty viruses on the go with our system Would fail to be struck by the risk symantec company's CEO Natalie Conner Warned. Check these sites Details evil in our own hands The company warned that civil . In the last 6 months The...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 Best Tools to Auto-Unsubscribe from Marketing Emails

3 Best Tools to Auto-Unsubscribe from Marketing Emails      Nobody likes inbox clutter, especially if you don’t have all day to check emails. I’ve been a victim of newsletter spam for sometime now, and it took me a considerable amount of time to segregate important from the useless ones. An annoyance I lived with for a while and then decided it was time to get rid of it.      Gmail has some useful features...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most

How to See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most      Ever wonder if someone in particular views your Facebook profile many times a day, whether it's someone you like or if it's a random stalker? Follow these steps and you can find out which people see your profile. Steps: 1.  Understand this trick.       This trick will give you insight into who views your profile, but Facebook isn't confirming...

Monday, March 10, 2014

How to Easily Move and Organize Files by Type In Windows

How to Easily Move and Organize Files by Type In Windows      The Command Prompt is so useful that it’s hard to not want to use it all the time. There are so many practical uses for it to expedite processes like cleaning up old Desktop items or ending running processes. Another helpful solution is when it comes to moving files. The simple move command can be set up in such a way to move all files under a certain file type.  ...

Prevent Google From Redirecting You to Its Country-specific Page

Prevent Google From Redirecting You to Its Country-specific Page      Google has adopted the local domain system wherein the search results are specific and closer to the location you are performing your search from. If you have ever observed carefully, when you type and enter google.com in the browser address bar you are automatically redirected to the Google domain of your country. For instance, if you are in India you would...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Want to make (KFC) chicken at home?

Want to make (KFC) Chicken at Home?      Let see how to make Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipe!      The question arises in mind is many of them! how to make KFC chicken in home. Let's see how to do it at home. If you look at the recipe, so many people that make me wonder. Because of the size of this recipe is a simple process.  Well, that's how we look at KFC Chicken Recipe! Ingredients :  Chicken...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How To Use Online Banking Safely

How To Use Online Banking Safely      Online banking is an extremely convenient way to check balances, pay bills and transfer funds between accounts. This convenience, however, also makes it quite convenient for thieves to steal your information, login to your accounts and do some unwanted transferring themselves. How do you enjoy the benefits of online banking, while protecting your accounts and money they contain? Here are...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How to Download Facebook Photos - Full Albums

How to Download Facebook Photos - Full Albums      Facebook Contains more Pictures of us, than the Pictures in our Albums at Home.We All Must Agree! Our School Time Fun, Farewell, Fun with Friends, Time with our Mate, Family Time or Anything Special. All these Moments get trapped in the form of an Image and Gets Shared on Facebook.      During my Farewell Days, I wished I could have Each and Every Picture that...

Create Facebook Page without Name - How to Guide

Create Facebook Page without Name - How to Guide     If you are a Daily Facebook user or a Facebook addict, you might have come across some Facebook Page without Name . Well at that very moment you must have thought about how did these guys can create it. You might have even Google it , but never succeeded.     Creating Facebook Page without Name is as simple as 1,2,3 . Just be...